As per last year, our two 5th classes are once again participating in a programme of Collaborative and Shared Education (CASE) during this school year. This is a continuation of the Peace IV/Léargas funded-programme and we are again partnered with St Mary’s Boys’ School and Urbleshanny N.S.
Over the course of the year our 5th class girls will meet up once a month with the 5th classes in the partner schools and together they will have lessons in coding using ipads and LegoWe Do kits. These lessons will be held in each of the three schools on a rota basis. Ms. Harris and Ms. Markey will be helping to facilitate the lessons with teachers from the other two schools.
As a “Getting to know you” introductory event, the classes travelled to Airtastic, Craigavon on Thursday 24th October where they met with pupils from each of the other schools. They enjoyed a fun-filled, activity day which gave them the opportunity to meet and make new friends.