On Monday and Tuesday we had the finals of our skipping competition, orienteering lessons and “Walk a mile with a smile” which involved all the classes going on the Greenway Walk with their teachers. We also had sessions of “DEAD”- Drop Everything And Dance, which the children absolutely loved.
The highlight of the week was undoubtedly Sports Day. This was held on Thursday morning and was organised in a series of nine stations including a bouncy castle, disco, soccer skills, “Go Noodle,” dance, basketball, hula-hooping, javelin throwing and of course the traditional long jump and sack/ egg and spoon races. We are very grateful to John Crudden of the FAI who provided coaches to man the two soccer stations.
Later, on Thursday afternoon, the whole school gathered in the P.E. hall for a special Active Assembly. This was an opportunity for our pupils to remember and to celebrate all their achievements in the areas of physical education and activities over the past year.
Narrated by the children themselves, we listened to a synopsis of all the competitions in which we’ve taken part: Gaelic, soccer, basketball, gymnastics, swimming and handball. We were also reminded of all our in-school activities and were treated to wonderful demonstrations of dance, hula-hooping and skipping skills. The whole day was a resounding success and a testament to the excellent organisational skills of the Active Flag Committee.