A wonderful celebration for the raising of two Flags took place in St. Louis GNS on Tuesday, June 18th 2013. The school was celebrating the achievement of a second Green Flag and a first Active Flag.
Preparation for the Green Energy Flag included an environmental review of the use of energy with a particular emphasis on possibilities for conserving electricity and heating oil. Research was completed on the use of all electrical appliances by survey and questionnaire. A special Energy Awareness Day was held on November 7th last with an experiment display. Competitions were held throughout the school to raise energy awareness and aspects of this subject were integrated with all curriculum areas. Low Energy day took place on May 25th last year. There was a trip to DIT in Dundalk to examine the wind turbine as an alternative form of energy, a Spring Clean in the school’s local area, regular media and website updating and the special WOW (Walk on Wednesday) initiative where the children were recorded and rewarded for walking to school.
Congratulations to the wonderful Green School Committee and the co-ordinators, Ms Anne Brady and Mrs Róisín Treanor